Our Ministry Teams



The various teams that work to facilitate the smooth running of the church include the following descriptions :


Baptism Team :

Tommy Morris-Chairman

Linda Morris

Roy LeBlanc

Annie LeBlanc

Call all baptism candidates to schedule date. Maintain clean robes and towels. Prepare baptistry by filling the tub and turning on the heater. Afterwards, make sure heater is off, tub drained, and other related baptistry needs are handled.


Benevolence Team :

Leta Beaugh-Chairman

Beulah Swarthout

Nell Doughty

Jewel Parks

Nicole Gaubert

Prayerfully access the needs of applicants and when appropriate respond with financial assistance. Also, meet needs through the food pantry.


Building and Grounds Team :

Jack Beaugh-Chairman

Jonah Melancon

Nick Hopkins

Randy House

Maintain and improve all church facilities.


Counting Team :

Jewell Parks-Chairman

Leta Beaugh

Beth Spears

Meet once a week to collect, sort, and count all tithes and offerings received and prepare for deposit.


Worship Team:                            

David Mitchell-Music Minister

Lead church congregation in corporate worship through such avenues as choir, praise team, sound and online services.


Fellowship/Love in Action Team :

Elnora Plumbar & Jewel Parks-Chairs

Sharon Barton

Diane Ferstl

Jean Burton

Roy LeBlanc

Shannon Hagan

Harold Plumbar

Jenny Davy

Coordinate and provide food for all fellowship and ministry events.



Children's Ministry Planning Team :

Stefanie Inabnet-Children’s Ministry Planning Leader

Christi Fuselier

Jewell Parks

Elnora Plumbar

Susan Keller

Reach children for Christ and help them grow in their faith in Him. This is to be done, but not limited to such ministries as:  Sunday School, Bible Drill, Children’s Choir, special events, VBS, etc. The leader from each team will make up the Children’s Ministry Planning Team chairperson will be selected annually by the Lay Resources Team.


Deacons Team :

Jonah Melancon-Chairman

Jack Beaugh

Carl Richard

Jon Wiebe

Tommy Morris

Warren Keller

Jeff Scott

Care for the church widows, administer the Lord's Supper, visit church members in the hospital, and serve the pastor in whatever ways he considers useful in carrying out the church's work.


Finance Team :

Jeff Scott-Chairman

Jon Wiebe

Roxeann Thomas

Ray Brooks

Lead God's people to be generous, draft an annual church budget,     

communicate with leaders and the church family.


Flowers/Decorations Team :

Nell Doughty-Chairman

Shannon Hagan

Vicki Malacaman

Susan Keller

Assist in decorating the altar for all Sunday services and provide decor for seasonal and other special services. Assist in decorating other areas as needed.


Lay Resource Team :

Carl Richard-Chairman

Nicole Gaubert

Maggie Musemeche

Jewell Parks

Bro. Chris Fuselier

Identify, recommend, and place members in a place(s) of service based on their giftedness and talents.


Lord's Supper Team :

Jeff Scott-Chairman

Randall Spears

Beth Spears

Maggie Musemeche

Prepare elements and display on table in sanctuary.  Afterwards, remove and clean any trays required and store for future use.


Missions Team :

Cheryl Mitchell-Chairman

Lana Rhinehart

Roxeann Thomas

Al Lowry

Guide members to be outwardly focused by fulfilling the Great Commission.


Women's Ministry Team :

Lana Rhinehart-Chairman

Cheryl Mitchell

Beulah Swarthout

Linda Morris

Elnora Plumbar

Sabrina Boudreaux

Frances St. Pierre

Annie LeBlanc

Plan and coordinate all women's fellowship gatherings and hosted special events.


Nursery Director/Team :

Shannon Hagan-Director

Christi Fuselier

Diane Ferstl

Vicki Malacaman

Angie Manning

Karis Watson

Stefanie Inabnet

Sylvia Deville

Nicole Gaubert

Sabrina Boudreaux

Anna Broussard

Judy Racca

Jewell Parks

Rene Cason

Tracy Mire

Dawn Kolkman

Joan Burton

Joy Aprill

Coordinate all care needed for infants and toddlers during Sunday School, church services, and other special events.


Personnel Team :

Linda Morris-Chairman

David Savoie

Jonah Melancon

Rachele Barton

Nicole Gaubert

Assist in matters related to paid church employees. Establish, oversee, revise, and recommend personnel policies such as personnel job descriptions, paid time off (PTO), salaries, and benefits.


Sunday School :

Jonah Melancon-Director

Make fully devoted followers of Christ while building a sense of community.

Susan Keller & Warren Keller-Adult Coed

Cheryl Mitchell-Ladies

Jack Beaugh-Men

David Savoie & Sandy Savoie-Young Adults

Dade Thibodeaux-Youth

Elnora Plumbar & Harold Plumbar-4th-6th Grade

Linda Morris & Karis Hollier-1st-3rd Grade

Jenny Davy & Ashley Davy- Pre-K3

Jewell Parks, Shannon Hagan, Rene Cason, Tracy Mire, Dawn Kolkman, Jean Burton, Joy Aprill & Sylvia Deville-Babies


Usher Team :

Jimmy Simon-Chairman

Jonah Melancon

Nick Hopkins

Harold Plumbar

Donald Boudreaux

Provide indoor and outdoor greetings and assistance in seating, if needed. Perform duties to receive all tithes and offerings. Provide security checks during activities on church grounds. Assist with set up and restoration of   fellowship hall for special events, as needed.

Student Ministry Team :

Tim Choate-Chairman

Sabrina Boudreaux

Abagail Manning

Rene Cason

Jon Wiebe


VBS Team :

Stefanie Inabnet, Beth Spears & Randall Spears

Select, plan, and coordinate curriculum, activities, music, and other requirements to provide our Bible based summer children's program.



Jack Beaugh, Jonah Melancon & Jeff Scott